If you are looking for an alternative to Yahoo Finance Portfolio, you can easily import your Yahoo Finance Portfolio into EquityStat. Just follow these easy steps.
Step #1
Login to your Yahoo Finance Portfolio and click on a portfolio with holdings.

Step #2
On page that displays your holdings, click the down arrow icon in the upper right hand corner.

You will then be prompted to either Print the portfolio or Save the portfolio as a CSV. Choose the Save option. Your CSV file will then be saved to your Downloads folder on your computer.
Step #3
Open your downloaded csv file in Excel. (Here is a short video on how to open a csv file in Excel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfVe54oPQUM).
Once your file is open in Excel, delete the Current Price, Date, Time, Change, Open, High, Low, Volume, High Limit, Low Limit and Comment columns.
Change the data in the Trade Date column to be in a MM/dd/yyyy format. For example, if the data is 20171003, change it to 10/03/2017.
For each row in the Transaction Type column put in Buy.
Change the Trade Date column name to Date. Change the Purchase Price column name to Price and change the Transaction Type column name to TranType.
For any rows and columns without data, either delete the row or add the missing data.
Here are my spreadsheets before the formatting and after the formatting.

Step #4
Login to your EquityStat account and click the New menu at the top and choose Import Transactions from the drop down menu. Choose the portfolio you want to import into. Next, choose the correctly formatted import file and click the Import button to import your transactions.
If you have any questions, contact our support by clicking here.