We have recently added a new feature. You can now get an analysis of your account and portfolios. To perform a portfolio analysis click the Tools menu and choose Analyze Portfolio from the drop down menu.

Our portfolio analysis feature provides you an performance overview of your account/portfolio. You can easily see how your account/portfolio is performing over time, the holdings in your account/portfolio and performance metrics for each investment in your account/portfolio.
If you have multiple portfolios, the analysis page will first display how your entire account is performing. You can see performance metrics for each individual portfolio and a graph showing the growth of your account over time. In addition you can see your account’s investment holdings and a ranking of each investment return. The analysis will also provide performance metrics on each investment. You can see which investment is your best/lowest for the day, quarter and the year. A list of your best investments and a list of your lowest investments is also provided.
If you want to see an analysis of each individual portfolio click on the portfolio name in the portfolio summary table. You will then be shown an analysis for that portfolio. You will get the same graphs and performance metrics that were provided on the account level, but for the individual portfolio.
If you only have one portfolio, by default you will be shown the analysis for your only portfolio.